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Sección competitiva


Inscripció 2022



Inscripciones cerradas



    1. Film

    Section in which you want to submit the film

    Is your film in work in progress stage?

    2. Contact information

    3. Production

    Do you have the distribution, authorship and sales rights of the film?

    4. Distributor (if any)

    5. Technical details

    If selected, would it be a Spanish premiere?

    If selected, would it be a premiere in València?

    6. Editorial materials

    Logline (maximum 200 characters with spaces)

    Synopsis (maximum 500 characters with spaces)

    Director bio (maximum 600 characters with spaces)

    Director’s non-fiction filmography

    7. Screener

    8. Autorization

    Accept the bases of this call of DocsValència 2021

    *All fields on this form are required

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